Creating the best solutions for your business

Offering a wide range of cross-IT-industry products, applications and services to meet the majority IT infrastructure needs of our customers.

“We pride in offering our clients a comprehensive range of advanced technology and communication solutions to suit various application and needs”

Joseph Mburu

Joseph Mburu


We’ve worked on over 200 projects with 50+ corporate clients

We have stayed true to our core values over the years and have created a company that our employees and clients are proud to associate with.

Embracing technology, enhanching people's lives

We have the solutions, tools and resources to help clients speed time to application deployment, optimize infrastructure capacity, reduce power consumption and free resources to focus on innovation that drives business growth.

Software Integration

Specializing in providing high technology, end to end software solutions to serve business and customer requirements.

Hardware Continuity

Specialist in IT industry by providing IT Networking & solution services on a regular basis to a number of clients in Government/Public Sector.

Our solutions

We partner with leading innovators to ensure you get the best possible I.T. Products. We provide services on a long term/project wise in the following areas.


Design, installation, administration and support of LANS, WANS and Wireless Setup 

Safety & Security

Protect people, property and
assets, optimize processes to
improve business efficiency.


Cabling infrastructure to
support Multiple Voice, Data, Video and Multimedia Systems.

Hardware & Support

Product ranging from Computers, Access Control, Printers, IP phones, CCTV Surveillance.

Software Applications

Off-shelf from leading market vendors or custom developed for specialized applications.

Server Solutions

Oracle, Microsoft, Cloud Solutions, custom built and ready business solutions.

Helping you identify your business needs

Providing integrated IT and communication solutions to various industries including Energy, Oil and Gas, Utilities, Telecommunications, Government, Banking and Finance, Industrial and Health-Care.

Our Partners

Our customer support team is here to answer your questions. Ask us anything!
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